

Unlock your true potential.


The Divine Manual is a series of meticulously crafted video guides specifically designed to outline the intricate mechanics of reality, providing detailed instruction on how to master your existence.

Whether exploring the depths of consciousness or navigating life's challenges, this manual serves as a comprehensive guide to enhance your understanding and mastery of the world around you.

Embark on a transformative odyssey of self-discovery and empowerment with The Divine Manual.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Begin Your Journey Now

Your Guides

Meet the Authors

Charlie Peter Richard Fairclough

Charlie has immersed himself in the spiritual realm for more than two decades, producing an array of materials, including short books, guides, and courses.

Bradley Luke McAuley-Kinchin

Bradley, too, has authored diverse spiritual materials and actively engaged with various spiritual organizations and communities. Notably, Bradley has played a pivotal role as a major contributor in aiding indigenous tribes in Brazil.

Are You Ready?

Who is this manual for?


Anyone who wants to ...

  • take control of their life.
  • uncover the mysteries of existence.
  • understand the mechanics of reality.
  • learn advanced healing techniques.
  • master breath.
  • learn how to astral project.
  • learn how divination actually works.
  • become an expert in mindfulness.
  • improve their health.
  • regularly lucid dream.
  • be grounded.
  • understand language on a profound level.
  • become a master of hypnosis.
  • improve their psychic abilities.
  • lose all fear.

Not Ready

Anyone who ...

  • lacks enthusiasm for initiating change.
  • isn't willing to invest the necessary time and effort.
  • blindly follows the crowd without questioning.
  • believes the answers aren't out there.
  • doesn't see the value in investing in their personal development.
  • neglects to question the nature of existence.
  • fails to ask the big questions about life.
  • allows their ego to hinder personal growth.
  • disregards the importance of their health and well-being.
  • fails to recognize the potential for self-improvement.

Questions Explored in The Divine Manual.

“How can I align my frequency with the reality of abundance and prosperity?”

“What practices can help me access higher dimensions of consciousness?”

“How can I use my consciousness to positively shape my life experiences?”

“In what ways does my perception act as a tool for manifesting my desired reality?”

“How can I elevate my vibrational state to attract more fulfilling experiences?”

“What techniques can I employ to maintain a high vibrational frequency?”

“How can I effectively release negative thoughts and emotions to improve my vibrational resonance?”

“What role does my emotional state play in the manifestation process?”

“How can I cultivate a state of being that is free from fear and hate?”

“What steps can I take to enhance my healing abilities through vibration?”

“How can I use meditation to shift my consciousness and reality?”

“What affirmations or statements can I use to redefine my reality?”

“How does meditation contribute to my physical and non-physical well-being?”

“In what ways does the language I use influence my reality?”

“How can I practice mindfulness to improve memory and minimize mistakes?”

“What is the significance of incantations in manifesting my desires?”

“What are effective methods for cultivating and directing cosmic energy?”

“How can I develop sensitivity to subtle energies for energy work?”

“What are the control points in the body for energy manipulation, and how can I activate them?”

“How can I use divination to gain insights into my future?”

“What are the foundational principles that govern all forms of divination?”

“How can I practice astral projection safely and effectively?”

“What techniques can assist me in achieving an out-of-body experience?”

“How can I use lucid dreaming to explore the depths of my consciousness?”

“What is the importance of keeping a dream journal?”

“How can I transform my existence through the power of belief and imagination?”

“What are the steps to conduct hypnosis on others?”

“What breathing techniques can I use to access boundless energy?”

“How can I remain grounded in positive perspectives in all situations?”

“How can I recognize and interpret the messages in my dreams?”

“How can I develop a deeper connection with my higher self?”

“How can I effectively set intentions to manifest specific outcomes?”

“What are the most effective visualization techniques for manifestation?”

“How can I overcome obstacles that appear to hinder my manifestation process?”

“What steps can I take to achieve financial independence and wealth?”

“How can I identify and fulfill my life's purpose?”

“What is the role of detachment in the manifestation process?”

“How can I improve my concentration and focus for better manifestation?”

“What are the best practices for maintaining a positive mindset?”

“How can I harness the power of affirmations to change my beliefs?”


“What are the most effective ways to release past traumas and heal?”

“What are the best ways to deal with resistance when changing my beliefs?”

“What are the benefits of silence and solitude in spiritual growth?”

“How can I find my perfect partner?”

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